Since July 1, 2022, therapy carried out by cantonally licensed psychotherapists are covered by basic health insurance (KVG). Your health insurance provider covers the costs of psychotherapy with a doctor's referral, so long as the doctor is has the appropriate federal or foreign qualifications. Your doctor should complete the “Order for psychological psychotherapy” form online.
The easiest way to get covered by your basic health insurance is to ask your family doctor. They are able to issue an “order” [i.e. “Anordnung”] for you directly or refer you to a specialist with the appropriate credentials.
The “order” will be given directly to you as the patient or sent to me as the therapist by e-mail. The “order” is initially valid for 15 therapy sessions and is not limited in time. If the therapy is to be continued after these 15 therapy sessions, an exchange of information between the ordering doctor and the psychotherapist is necessary. A further 15 sessions can then be ordered.
In a crisis situation, an order for 10 psychotherapy sessions can be prescribed by persons with a specialist title from all medical disciplines.
I have been affiliated to the compulsory health insurance OKP [“Obligatorische Krankenpflege- Versicherung”] since July 1, 2023.
If you would like to consult me as a private client, please contact me by e-mail.